PPR pipes and fittings manufacturer
Their mission is to become the most reliable production company in the industry, for both national and international partners.
To accomplish this mission, the SupraTherm team has set the following principles.

Să depășim așteptările clienților:
prin produse care respectă tehnologiile și cele mai înalte standarde de lucru la nivel mondial.

Să furnizăm suport relevant:
servicii impecabile și post-vânzare prin documentație utilă și suport tehnic prompt.

Un mediu de lucru bazat pe respect:
sănătate și siguranța echipei noastre este pe primul loc, sprijinim dezvoltarea individuală și profesională prin diverse activități.

Calitatea este un stil de viață:
un stil de viață bazat pe încadrare corectă, producție, control și dezvoltare – elemente susținute de implicare și responsabilizare.

Exceeding customer expectations:
by providing products that adhere to the latest technologies and highest global standards of workmanship.

Providing relevant support:
by delivering impeccable pre and post-sales services through useful documentation and prompt technical support.

A work environment based on respect
where health and safety of our team is paramount, and we support individual and professional development through various activities.

Quality is a way of life:
a way of life based on proper management, production, control, and development - elements supported by involvement and accountability.
Our principles apply
to every SupraTherm product life cycle.

Raw material control:
Our experience with raw materials and plastic products combined with the expertise of our production and packaging laboratories allow us to offer a wide range of tests in compliance with international standards or customer specifications.
Production control:
An efficient production control system is essential for the final quality of the process. As such, SupraTherm plans and verifies everything - from materials, machine programs, and work schedules to coordinating suppliers and customers.
Quality control:
The next step in the production chain involves rigorous control of the products leaving SupraTherm facilities. Our agile system allows us to be efficient and always one step ahead of our customers' expectations.
Assurance guarantee:
SupraTherm's insurance policy ensures that our products are delivered without accidents to both distributors and end customers. The policy we hold covers any accidents in transit.
Customer satisfaction:
We are always open to suggestions and feedback from our partners. This is a crucial element of SupraTherm's success: by listening and understanding, we maintain and strengthen our relationships with our partners.